Fraud is treated as a serious crime, and there are various organisations and departments that have been set up specifically to tackle instances of fraud. Different types of fraud will have different consequences and it is important that you have the best legal representation.
Tax Fraud
Tax fraud, including tax evasion as well as missing trader and carousel fraud carry potentially heavy fines and even possible custodial sentences. HMRC will conduct a thorough investigation into anybody that they believe to be guilty of tax evasion or tax fraud. The investigation itself can be difficult, but effective legal representation can assist in ensuring that you are properly represented.
Benefit Fraud
Benefits are provided as a means for those that struggle financially to be able to live a decent standard of life. However, where a person claims benefits despite knowing that they are not entitled to them, this is considered benefit fraud. The Department of Work and Pensions will usually aim to start legal proceedings against benefit fraudsters, and this may lead to a custodial sentence, a fine, and the seizing of assets and money.
Employee Fraud
Employee fraud, or employee theft, is the fraudulent taking or theft from an employer by an employee. The prosecution must prove that the accused took money or items despite knowing that they were not entitled to have them. If the defence can show that the accused believed that they were entitled to take the items, then this can lead to a not guilty verdict.
Proceeds Of Crime Act
Regardless of the type of fraud committed, its severity, or the amount of money that it raised, the Proceeds of Crime Act seeks to ensure that all, or the majority of the money raised by the committing of the crime is recouped. This will often require lengthy investigation, and the use of a forensic accountant will normally prove invaluable.
What To Do Now
As market leaders for direct access fraud barrister services contacting us is really easy. You can call us on 0845 450 0707 or send us a confidential email by clicking here.