At Fraud Barristers Direct we deliver efficient and cost effective fraud defence services of the very highest standard. We are delighted that we are now able to offer our services, in appropriate cases, directly to the public and members of our chambers are authorised to accept instructions in criminal and fraud cases.
This has a number of advantages to the client.
You will meet your barrister at a very early stage and work together with him or her to take the important decisions relating to strategy and tactics that may influence how a case will finally be determined.
You will receive advice directly from your barrister regarding the strength of the evidence in the case.
Important decisions, which may have far-reaching consequences, can be taken together and at an early stage.
You will have the added benefit of knowing from the outset who your barrister will be and that your barrister will engage in negotiations and prepare appropriate documents.
The early involvement of counsel can bring enormous benefits to you, both as to the strategy deployed when reacting to any investigation or prosecution and to the final result.
It may be that your case is not suitable for the direct instruction of a barrister, or that it becomes necessary to instruct a solicitor at a particular point. Should the instruction of a solicitor become necessary then we will advise you and together with our clerks you can identify and instruct an appropriately expert firm.
The terms of instruction of a barrister will be clearly set out in a letter of appointment.
Details of the Bar Council’s guidance on how the scheme works can be found here.
As market leaders for direct access fraud barrister services contacting us is really easy. You can call us on 0845 450 0707 or send us a confidential email by clicking here.